Creation debuts on DVD

Creation, the 2009 film about Darwin starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connolly, will be available on DVD and for digital download on June 29, 2010. In her review of Creation at The Panda's Thumb blog, NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott described it as "a thoughtful, well-made film that will change many views of Darwin held by the public — for the good."

Among the extras on the DVD version are, unsurprisingly, a commentary by director Jon Amiel and a making-of-the-film documentary featuring Amiel, Bettany, and Randal Keynes, a great-great-grandson of Darwin, on whose book Creation was based. "Digging Deeper Into Darwin" discusses the film's treatment of seven topics in Darwin's life.

Two further extras are somewhat unusual. "Debating Darwin" features a young-earth creationist as well as two distinguished British biologists — Lewis Wolpert and Denis Alexander — discussing issues related to the film; "Pollard on Film on Creation" is a review-cum-reflection produced by a non-denominational Christian organization in the United Kingdom.