Catching up with RNCSE

Selected content from volume 29, number 6, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website. Featured are Virginia Yue's report of "A Creationism Row in Hong Kong" and Beth E. Leuck and Greg Q. Butcher's investigation of "The Effect of Viewing NOVA's Judgment Day." Plus Keith Thomson reviews Ralph Colp Jr.'s Darwin's Illness, Timothy H. Goldsmith reviews The Genius of Charles Darwin (hosted by Richard Dawkins), and Kevin Padian reviews The Paleobiological Revolution: Essays on the Growth of Modern Paleontology, edited by David Sepkoski and Michael Ruse.

If you like what you see, why not subscribe to RNCSE today? Featured in the upcoming issue (volume 30, number 3) are timely articles on "Americans' Scientific Knowledge and Beliefs about Human Evolution in the Year of Darwin," by George F. Bishop, Randal K. Thomas, and Jason A. Wood, and "Teaching Evolution in Muslim States: Iran and Saudi Arabia Compared," by Elizabeth Burton. And there's history, too: Shelley Emling discusses the fossil hunter Mary Anning and Randy Moore discusses the flood geologist George McCready Price. Don't miss out — subscribe (or renew) today!