Catching up with RNCSE

Selected content from volume 26, number 6, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website, including Jim Lippard's account of the 2005 schism of the young-earth creationist ministry Answers in Genesis, Nick Matzke's report about the latest creationist textbook to come down the pike, Kevin Padian's review of Donald Prothero's After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals, Lawrence S. Lerner's review of Darwin's Nemesis (a festschrift for the godfather of "intelligent design" creationism), and Carrie Sager's droll review of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron's creationist trivia game -- "a Ken Ham-endorsed, William Dembski-approved cornucopia of bad science and fundamentalist propaganda," she writes.

If you like what you see, why not subscribe to RNCSE today? The next issue to go to press will feature articles on the ongoing contretemps at Grand Canyon National Park; articles by Joe Felsenstein and Mark Perakh discussing Dembski's arguments about natural selection and his failure to answer his critics; articles on evolution education policy in the abstract and in the concrete; and the usual slew of reviews, including Lauri Lebo reviewing Matthew Chapman's 40 Days and 40 Nights, Gary S. Hurd reviewing Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross's Origins of Life, and Tim M. Berra reviewing Stanley Rice's Encyclopedia of Evolution -- "broad, interesting, relevant, and informative ... I wholeheartedly recommend this book," he concludes. Why wait? Subscribe today!