More praise for "Not in Our Classrooms"

Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design is Wrong for Our Schools received a pair of favorable reviews recently. In the Winter 2006-2007 issue of Rethinking Schools (not available on-line), Wayne Au wrote, "Given the recent fights over intelligent design in science education, the publication of Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design Is Wrong for Our Schools couldn't be more timely. ... Given the current U.S. political landscape, Not in Our Classrooms should be welcomed by educators and activists. It provides a wealth of background information and detailed critiques of the logical presuppositions offered by proponents of intelligent design." And in the January/February 2007 issue of Washington Monthly, Jesse Singal wrote, "A new book titled Not in Our Classrooms, a collection of essays by science educators, biologists, and lawyers, offers a useful overview of the ever-evolving movement to boot Darwin from the classroom. ... Not In Our Classrooms delivers refreshingly on a number of topics."

Not in Our Classrooms was edited by NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott and deputy director Glenn Branch, and contains essays by them as well as by Nicholas J. Matzke (also of NCSE) and Paul R. Gross, Martinez Hewlett and Ted Peters, Jay D. Wexler, and Brian Alters. The foreword was contributed by the Reverend Barry W. Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Praising the book, Bill Nye the Science Guy wrote, "If you're concerned about scientific literacy, read this book. The authors of Not in Our Classrooms are authorities on the various battles fought over the teaching of evolution -- biology's fundamental discovery." If you order your copy now from Beacon Press, you receive a 10% discount -- just enter NCSE in the discount code field. And if you want postcards advertising Not in Our Classrooms to distribute -- say, at a Darwin Day event -- please get in touch with the NCSE office.