Scott honored with Anthropology in the Media Award

NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott received the 2006 Anthropology in the Media Award, in recognition of "the successful communication of anthropology to the general public through the media," from the American Anthropological Association. According to the announcement in the October 2006 issue of the AAA's newletter Anthropology News:

While responding to creationist claims she sticks to the evidence for evolution without resorting to rhetorical flourish. At the same time, she maintains a profound respect for religious views of the world, and that anti-evolutionism must be understood within a cultural framework. As a tireless and articulate defender of evolution in science curricula, a task that is often thankless and frustrating, Scott has done anthropology a tremendous service.
The American Anthropological Association is the primary professional society of anthropologists in the United States and the world's largest professional organization of individuals interested in anthropology. A physical anthropologist by training, Scott is a long-time member.