"A smart battle against intelligent design"

"A smart battle against intelligent design" appears in the fall 2006 issue of Paradigm Magazine, published by the Whitehead Institute for Biological Research, a leading biomedical research and educational organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Despite the victory in Kitzmiller v. Dover, Carol Cruzan Morton reports in her article, "the battle against creationism needs a steady stream of recruits," especially from scientists themselves. NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott is quoted as saying, "The buck stops with university professors," and Richard Katzkee of Americans United for Separation of Church and State comments, "The voices of serious scientists speaking up will make the difference." Also quoted are John Haught and Kenneth R. Miller, both of whom testified for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller; the article concludes with Miller's advice to his scientific colleagues: "You are trying to reach out to the great middle ground of American people who, if they fail to support science, ultimately threaten the scientific enterprise. If we in the scientific community don't provide the information, the American people won't have the chance to come to the right decision, and it will be our fault." A sidebar lists a few ways for scientists to contribute to the public understanding of science suggested by NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch. For more along the same lines, see his contribution to Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design is Wrong for Our Schools.