FASEB adds its voice for evolution

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, which is composed of twenty-two scientific organizations representing over 84,000 members, issued a public policy statement on the teaching of evolution on December 20, 2005 -- coincidentally, the same day in which teaching "intelligent design" was ruled to be unconstitutional in Kitzmiller v. Dover. The statement (PDF) reads, in part:

Science education has become increasingly important in driving innovation and discovery, and in enabling citizens to make informed decisions and to compete in the 21st century workplace. For these reasons, it is critical to preserve the integrity of science education by opposing the mandatory teaching in science classes of creationism, intelligent design, and other concepts not based on sound scientific principles.
Proponents for non-scientific accounts of the development of life, including creationism and intelligent design, contend that evolution alone should not be taught in science classes. Arguing that evolution is "just a theory," rather than a fact, they insist that intelligent design should be offered as an alternative to evolution or given "equal time", and that schools should "teach the controversy" surrounding evolutionary theory.
FASEB does not support these views. We also affirm that these positions seriously undermine science education.
And it concludes:
FASEB considers evolution a critical topic in science education and strongly supports the teaching of evolution.
FASEB opposes mandating the introduction of creationism, intelligent design, and other non-scientific concepts into the curricula of science.
FASEB opposes introducing false controversies regarding evolution or other accepted scientific theories into the curricula of science.
FASEB calls upon the scientific community and American citizens to defend science education by opposing initiatives to teach intelligent design, creationism, and other non-scientific beliefs in science class.
In a press release (PDF) announcing the statement, FASEB's president Bruce R. Bistrian commented, "Evolution is a critical topic to science education and is the basis for understanding biology and medicine." "The scientific community must rise to the challenge of defending science education against initiatives that push for the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in classrooms," he added. "To not do so would be a grave disservice to our nation's students."